The Future of Machine Learning Engineer

A good topic, It is always good to know about the future of the domain you work in or you interested to enter into.

Google says ”Machine Learning is the future”, so future of machine learning is going to be very bright. As humans become more addicted to machines, we’re witness to a new revolution that’s taking over the world and that is going to be the future of Machine Learning.

I would say it is a good choice to select Machine Learning Course to enhance yourself.!

Since, Machine learning has been the hot career areas in IT and development organizations and focuses on the development of computer programs that allow the computers learn automatically without human intervention. Machine learning is expanding fast and with its smart algorithms applied everywhere, it has turned into a new in-demand career option with high opportunities for qualified ML professionals.

Where it use?

Few machine learning application using in modern world given below that we use in our everyday lives.
  • Automatic Translation
  • Traffic Prediction
  • Web Search and Recommendation Engines
  • Image Recognition
  • Online Fraud Detection
  • Email Spam Filtering
  • Text and Speech Recognization
Below the statement that clearly shows the Machine Learning has large amount of job oppourtunities of upcoming years,

“According to International Data Corporation (IDC), "the spending on AI and ML will grow from $12B in 2017 to $57.6B by 2021." Deloitte Global predicts that "The number of pilot projects and implementations of ML will double in 2018 as compared to 2017, and they will double again by 2020."

Hence, it Clearly shows that Machine Learning has a bright future in upcoming years.

For more Machine Learning Job Opportunities in India, Check here the latest search result for Machine Learning Jobs

According to the Job search, the Four thousands of machine learning jobs available. Machine Learning offers good career to start with So, it is definitely a win situation for you.

As a fresher, there is a median salary of almost 13 Lakhs and rising for a Machine Learning Engineer. This is one of the trendiest and the coolest jobs to have as per a survey conducted earlier this year. The companies such  as Facebook, IBM, LinkedIn, Intel and Microsoft, it’s obvious that machine learning engineer job will continue to be lucrative.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Course will help you to be Professional and also get placed in your dream job.

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